Hainan's administrative center —Haikou — by 42% exceeded the plan to create new promising projects by attracting foreign investors, which demonstrates success of the economic policy of the authorities in 2020, reported the Hainan Daily.
According to the newspaper, over the past year, the local government organized the signing of strategically important investment contracts with funding that is 120% higher than the planned figure. The newspaper observers believe that new innovative mechanisms to boost the profitability of projects have played a key role in stimulating investment.
As the representative of the Haikou administration clarified, the provincial leadership periodically holds meetings on investment matters, including unscheduled meetings related, in particular, to the need to build important infrastructure facilities. During these events, new steps are discussed to optimize the business climate and improve Hainan free trade port's business environment.
In addition, for more actively probing investors and potential projects in 2020, an effective local reporting system was set up on the implementation of the program for raising capital by controlling government agencies at the level of the district, industrial zones and technology parks.